This is a series of five 90 minute lectures taught by Simon as part of the
Department of Biostatistics Summer Internship for Underrepresented
Undergraduates at Vanderbilt University. The course is part one of a 10
day series to introduce undergraduate students interested in medical
science, biology, and mathematics to Biostatistical methods.
Syllabus (Tentative)
Class 1
- Introductions
- Understand the importance of statistical/probabilistic
- Understand statistical reasoning in medical research
- Understand and use descriptive statistics
Day 2
- Learn some basic concepts about probabilities
Day 3
- Learn to use probability to think about data
- Understand ideas of expectation/variability
- Understanding the LLN
- Understanding the CLT
Day 4
- Constructing Wald Statistics (Z-test/T-test)
- Using test statistics for statistical inference (drawing conclusions
about the population)
Day 5
- Review all materials we learned so far
- Contextualize knowledge so far?